Community Supported Agriculture.

Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a membership opportunity with a local farm to get a fresh box of food every week for the growing season. Choosing a CSA helps local, small scale farmers with the RISK of farming in a bad economy and changing climate.

Sharing the risk makes sure that a farmer still has an income during times when extreme climatic events ruin crops, something farmers cannot control.

Investing in local farmers also helps reduce the CO2 emissions in our atmosphere and keeps our currency in the community. Compared to distant or chain companies, locally owned businesses recycle a larger share of their revenue back into the local economy, enriching the community.

Paying for your membership at the beginning of the season helps farmers be able to afford seeds, potting soil, chicken food, and many other supplies needed to start a successful growing season.

Throughout the year, you will receive the vegetables in their natural seasons. For example, radishes are a spring crop, and squash is a fall crop.

Supporting small scale, organic farmers does more good than you initially think! Most small scale farmers are farming more than just food for humans. They are stewards of the land. Creating healthy soil and using regenerative practices to rebuild soil that has been ruined by decades of conventional farming. Some of these practices include reduced tillage, increasing soil organic matter, and using cover crops to add natural nutrients to the soil, reduce erosion, and keep our earth covered- like a blanket!

Spring Share

Our spring share will run through the entire month of May. A 5 week membership that is full of spring greens—lettuce, spinach, arugula, bok coy, green onions, kohlrabi, green garlic, and much more! This share is great for folks in school before they leave for the summer. It’s good for folks who travel often in the summer, and helps us get going with the season by helping purchase seeds, potting soil, compost, etc.

This share is delivered to the Kalona, Fairfield, Iowa City, and Cedar Rapids areas. At a central pickup location to help with the access to local food.

Price: $125

Pickup days:

  • Monday in Cedar Rapids

  • Tuesday in Kalona & Fairfield

  • Thursday in Iowa City

Add-on options: Bread, microgreens, and eggs

Spring CSA 2024 is FULL!

Summer Share

Summer is our longest season, at 15 weeks. This share will have all the summer goodness— tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini, melons, artichokes, okra, sweet corn, and more!

Price: $500

Pickup days:

  • Monday in Cedar Rapids

  • Tuesday in Kalona & Fairfield

  • Thursday in Iowa City

Add-on options: bread, microgreens, eggs, coffee, and flowers

Summer CSA 2024 is FULL!

Fall Share

Our fall share will run mid-September to mid-November, 6 week duration. This share has it all, from spring greens to storage crops. The abundance will be incredible!

Price: $250

Pickup days:

  • Monday in Cedar Rapids

  • Tuesday in Kalona & Fairfield

  • Thursday in Iowa City

Add-on options: Bread, microgreens, and eggs

Thanksgiving Box

A box put together by several local farms. We will have greens, storage crops, and anything else you might need for your family’s meal together.

More details soon…!

Winter Storage Share (December & January)

This is a four-time pickup with the following storage crops that will get you through the winter:

  • Potatoes

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Garlic

  • Winter Squash

  • Root Crop Mix (beets, turnips, carrots, radishes)

  • Onions- yellow, white, red, shallots

    Price: TBD

    Pickup: TBD

    Add-ons: TBD